Prof. Jiyun Lee elected as ION Satellite Division Secretary

Professor Jiyun Lee was elected to the Institute of Navigation(ION)’s 2022-2024 Satellite Division Executive Committee as Secretary, and took office as of September 23 at the conclusion of ION GNSS+ 2022.

The purpose of the Satellite Division is to encourage the development, operation and use of navigation and position determination systems incorporating satellite-based elements.

이지윤 교수는 2022년 9월 23일부로 Institute of Navigation(ION)의 Satellite Division Secretary(선출직)으로 위촉되었다. (임기: 2022-2024)

ION은 1945년에 설립된 위성항법 분야 최우수 학회로서, Satellite Division에서는 위성을 이용한 항법 및 위치 결정 시스템의 기술 발전에 기여하고 있다.